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Michigan Divorce Attorney Jannelle Zawaideh

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How can you Still Plan for Retirement After a Divorce?

You may think that your divorce has made it impossible to plan for your retirement. Often, after a divorce, people are stuck concentrating on the immediate future for a few ye…

Breaking your Cyberstalking Habit After your Michigan Divorce

Are you guilty of cyberstalking your ex after your divorce? Checking up on your ex-partner’s life can be tempting and many are guilty of it. It’s too easy with technology givi…

How Might a Divorce Affect your Professional Life?

Divorces are intense and create a big blow to your personal life. It means a new lifestyle, new compromises, new everyday routines and a big change to your financial situation…

Will your Michigan Divorce Affect your Retirement?

See you never and hallelujah are usually what people have to say after a divorce. After all, you wanted out of the marriage for a reason right? The question is – what kind of …

How can Divorced Dads Keep in Contact with their Children?

Divorced dads sometimes struggle to stay in touch with their children. They want to be a good dad but they know their time with the kids is limited. Having regular contact wit…

How can you Help your Children Succeed Even with a Divorce?

How do you help your children succeed when they are facing the divorce that you’re going through with your spouse? Children suffer a great deal from divorced families but suff…

Why did the Other Woman or Man Help your Spouse Cheat?

Victims of infidelity in a marriage tend to ask themselves the same questions over and over again. Why did this happen? Could I have done something different? How could my spo…

Why should you Remarry after a Divorce?

For those that are recently divorce, getting divorced or if you’ve been divorced for a while, you may have asked yourself if you’ll ever get remarried again. Many people say t…

Should you Get over Your Divorce or Get Even?

When you’re going through a divorce, you may be tempted to get even with your ex. It can be easy to cause a stressful divorce by causing conflict, showing anger and dismissing…

How can you Start to Rebuild After a Divorce?

Divorce is a life altering event that no one would wish on another. It causes you to rebuild your life afterwards by finding a new home, potentially building new friendships a…

What Should You Know about Returning to Employment after a Divorce?

If you’re ready to get back in the workforce after a divorce, you are probably full of emotions and fears. You’re already going through a drastic change and your financial has…

Should You Consider Transitioning into a Work From Home Career after Divorce?

When divorce happens to you, your whole life is affected. Not only is it an emotionally taxing experience, but you may be experience new schedules, a change to your family and…

What Should You Know about Budgeting After a Divorce?

A divorce will change your budget completely. You no longer have two incomes to depend on. That’s why it is important that you take the time to re-budget right away. You shoul…

Has Your Divorce Caused PTSD?

PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that can occur after exposure to a terrifying event in which grave physical harm was threatened or occurred. This…

What Type of Person Heals Fastest After a Divorce?

Many experts and non-experts will try to tell you that it takes about two years to heal after a divorce. Some will say it takes about 6 months for every year you were together…

Are you Looking for Another Relationship Because of Fear?

It's not uncommon for men and women to start looking for another relationship before the divorce is even finalizes. Often, they are looking for something serious to turn to af…

Relieve the Stress of Divorce with a Better Diet

Eating well can help to relieve all types of stress. After or during a divorce, you're probably suffering from stress you had no idea was possible.
Eating well can help to relieve all types of stress. After or during a divorce, you're probably suffering from stress you had no idea was possible. Here's how a healthy diet can …

Is Your Ex-Spouse Toxic, buy You're Not?

If you're married to or were married to somebody that was toxic, it's pretty normal that you spend time blaming yourself instead of him or her.
If you're married to or were married to somebody that was toxic, it's pretty normal that you spend time blaming yourself instead of him or her. There are specific signs of a toxi…

What are a Few Ways You can Recover from an Unwanted Divorce?

Not all divorces are mutual or even wanted by the person that files. Sometimes, a spouse files for divorce or threatens divorce just because they want change in the relationship.
Not all divorces are mutual or even wanted by the person that files. Sometimes, a spouse files for divorce or threatens divorce just because they want change in the relationship.…

What did "Eat, Pray, Love" Get Wrong About Happiness and Divorce?

The book and movie “Eat, Pray, Love” was written by Elizabeth Gilbert. The story is based on a true story about a woman who divorces her husband
The book and movie “Eat, Pray, Love” was written by Elizabeth Gilbert. The story is based on a true story about a woman who divorces her husband, falls in love with another man …

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Representing divorce and family law clients in

Oakland, Wayne, Livingston, Washtenaw and Macomb Counties!



Filing for divorce is absolutely never easy. Even if you have made the decision that you need to fil… Read More

One of the biggest concerns many parents have when considering divorce is what will happen to their … Read More



26677 W. 12 mile Rd. Ste 171
Southfield, MI 48034


Phone (248) 356.0600


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