One of the biggest concerns many parents have when considering divorce is what will happen to their children. Under Michigan divorce law, there is no favoring one parent over the other. The court will make an independent decision on the custody of the child based on what is best for him or her. However, parents have a role in helping this decision to be made. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Michigan, work with an attorney who can offer the guidance you need in getting the best possible outcome. Don’t head into court alone.
Can You Come to an Agreement?
Whenever possible, it is best for parents to continue to make the decisions for children, as long as the child is safe and in a good place. That means that, if both parents can come together to discuss their decided outcome in terms of custody, the court is likely to honor that request. This will depend on many factors including what the best interests of the child are. When possible, discuss the following:
Where will the child be most comfortable and, perhaps most importantly, safe and in a good place for growth and development?
There is no doubt that this is one of the hardest components of the divorce process. It is up to parents to make a decision that fits their child’s needs, though, as long as it falls within what is considered safe for the child. Work with a Michigan divorce attorney to help support you needs.