Michigan divorce law is very specific about annulment. For many people, this type of dissolution of a marriage is the most sought after and desired, but it is not often available in terms of the law. If you are considering filing for divorce or you are in the midst of the process, it pays to work with a local attorney who can help you to navigate this sometimes dangerous road.
Annulments in Michigan are available. However, you can get an annulment only under specific circumstances as defined by the state’s divorce laws. An annulment is a statement that virtually wipes the marriage out. In other words, it is a declaration that the marriage itself never took place. You may want to do this if it was a mistake and you have proof that it was not done with good intensions.
The state’s annulment laws do allow for this to happen for marriages that were considered void from the start. For example, this is the case in situations of bigamy. It may be the result of a marriage between two people who are already relatives. It may also be a possibility in situations where one or both of the parties could not enter into a marriage under the laws of the state, such as due to mental capacity or age.
Marriage can also be annulled in situations where there is a voidable marriage such as a person is forced to marry a person. It can also be done in cases of fraud.
These situations are limited. And, if you hope to obtain an annulment, you’ll need to prove that the decision made was against marriage laws within the state otherwise. If you are granted an annulment, that means that any decisions made within the marriage are void and no property changes hands from the previous owner. Working with a skilled Michigan divorce attorney is the best way to handle these very difficult situations.