Many experts and non-experts will try to tell you that it takes about two years to heal after a divorce. Some will say it takes about 6 months for every year you were together. However, these are just "industry standard" measurements and everybody is different.
Every divorce is different, as well. If there was an infidelity, it may take longer or it may actually take less time to heal. The one major factor that makes a difference is who you are and how you deal with emotions.
Many people are survivors, especially after a divorce. This type of person won't necessarily try to save the marriage, but they will try to survive it. When a divorce becomes a part of it, they may take the longest to heal because they are trying to survive instead of moving forward. However, this type of person can also snap out of survivor mode and move into healing after a certain amount of time.
This type of person finds the most negative part of the situation exaggerates it and makes it the center of their life. For example, during a divorce, they may decide they are not worthy of love and they are simply not good enough for another human being. This makes them depressed and it can take quite some time for this type of person to snap out of the depression after divorce.
The type of person most likely to get over a divorce quickly is the problem solver. Regardless of what happened to cause the divorce, this type of person will leave with no or less regret than most others. They did everything within their power to save the marriage and even though they couldn't solve the problem, they know they gave it their all.
When it comes to getting over a divorce and moving on, everybody is different. Even though the average may fall around the two-year mark, it won't be the same for everybody.