The book and movie “Eat, Pray, Love” was written by Elizabeth Gilbert. The story is based on a true story about a woman who divorces her husband, falls in love with another man that she eventually leaves, and from there decides to spend a year traveling in order to find balance.
She spends time in Italy enjoying the local food, and then she travels to India to live in an ashram, finally ending up in Indonesia where she finds passion and intimacy. While the story is a wonderful collection of need for getting back to nature and enjoying life again, the message of the story is that divorce is the solution.
Her marriage appeared to be pleasant while her and her spouse had different needs; her husband wanting to have children and the woman wanting to travel and avoid settling down. Here is why the message of happiness and divorce went wrong in “Eat, Pray, Love.”
While the book portrayed life after divorce to be a wonderful adventure, the story may have gotten it wrong. Here is what the book did wrong in expressing happiness and divorce:
“Eat, Pray, Love” may be more of a fairytale and isn’t recommended for the way you actually live your life.