Alimony used to be known as something men paid to women after a divorce. However, this is changing with the new trend of more men seeking and receiving alimony.
Part of this trend is due to the fact that more men are finding less shame in accepting a monthly payment from their ex-wife. Since 2006, the percentage of men receiving alimony has risen by over 3.5%.
Another big reason for this change is the fact that more women are becoming the larger earner in the household. The stay-at-home-dad has become more common and about one-third of households have a wife out-earning the husband. This is up nearly 30% over the past ten years.
There are many reasons for men trying to get alimony payments. The top reasons include:
No longer do the courts view alimony in the eyes of just a man paying a woman. It's more about which one is the primary breadwinner and if it's by enough money to warrant the need for the woman or the man to pay the other alimony.