Sometimes, everybody else sees it, except the people involved in the relationship. Friends and family may even start a pool and bet on how long your marriage will last. If everybody else can see it, why can't you? Here are a few ways to tell a divorce may be inevitable:
In any relationship there is good and bad. However, when you start seeing far more bad in your marriage than good, it may be a sign that a divorce is coming. This is especially true if you're already trying to work out issues in counseling or another type of support.
Fighting to save a marriage is admirable, but when you're the only one fighting for it, divorce is likely. Frustration may set in and you may feel like you're stuck in a loveless marriage without any way of fixing the issues.
You may know, sub-consciously, that it's over, but you haven't filed for divorce yet. When this happens, you may start keeping things to yourself, including money. It's normal for a partner that knows divorce may be an option in the near future to start putting a little extra cash aside.
Sex is a very important part of a marriage and when the intimate connection isn't there any longer, it can be a sign of divorce looming. When couples don't have sex for months, it puts a strain on the marriage and they may just be staying in the relationship for the sake of the kids. However, this type of relationship will often lead to a divorce.
If you often day dream about living without your spouse, it might be time to seek marital counseling. Without help, this can often lead to a divorce.
These are just a few signs that divorce is inevitable, without proper help. If you think a divorce may be coming in the near future or you know it's time to file, make sure you consult a professional divorce attorney before filing.