If you're newly married or considering marriage, you may be curious to know when the honeymoon phase will end. Maybe you've been married a while and you just want to look back and realize when it ended. Here are a few signs to help you identify when the honeymoon phase ends.
The Cleanliness Goes Out the Window
One sign the honeymoon phase is over happens when he or she goes form a neat freak or at least somebody that picks up after themselves to a pig. When your guy or girl turns into a slob, the honeymoon phase is probably over.
Spontaneity Ends
Maybe your partner used to send you all kinds of spontaneous texts and call you out of the blue. When this becomes more of just a call or text because they need something, the honeymoon phase is over.
Detachment Sets In
Sometimes, couples start to pull away from each other because of conflict, unresolved issues or a number of other reasons. When this happens, it's likely your marriage has left the honeymoon phase.
Sex Becomes a Chore
At first, sex was often and it didn't matter the time or place. However, as this fades and it becomes routine or something that seems like more of a hassle that a pleasure, you can bet the honeymoon phase is over.
These are just a few of the signs you are entering into a new phase of your marriage. No marriage can stay in the honeymoon phase forever, but when you enter into a new phase, it's important to understand that some of the things from the honeymoon phase should happen, at least occasionally.
Without occasional reminders of how great things were during the honeymoon phase, you may find your marriage boring and not worth it any longer. If this happens, you or your partner may be headed down the path towards divorce. However, if you're aware of when the honeymoon phase ends, you will at least know what to expect moving forward.