Trying to win back your husband is something many women will do and for good reason. Marriage is a commitment and it can be hard to give up on, even if he's already given up on you. Are you just wasting your time and energy or is it worth wanting him?
The common way this goes is, the husband wants a divorce, but the wife doesn't and isn't sure what to do about it. Often, the wife will try to win him over with all types of things, but it may already be too late. Here are a few things to consider if you find yourself in this situation.
You should do everything within your power to save the marriage. This will help you to avoid regrets later on, if you do end up divorced. This varies for each couple and it does take both you and him to make it happen. You may need counseling, but if he's not willing, it won't matter much.
It helps if you understand that he can still get a divorce if you don't want it. There's no law that stated both parties must agree to the divorce. If you get to the point where divorce is inevitable, make sure you educate yourself about the process.
After doing everything you can to try to save your marriage, you need to ask yourself if you really want to be with him. If he doesn't want to be with you, don't you deserve better? Would you want someone you love and care about to stay in your situation?
Of course, this situation goes both ways and sometimes the woman is ready to divorce, but the man isn't.